Hostel Details

The Girls� Hostel of Raniganj Girls' College named "Maitree" was inaugurated on 28th February 2014 and becamefunctional in the academic year 2017-18. The hostel has a capacity for housing26 boarders. The hostel is administered directly by the Principal of thecollege with the help of a resident Hostel Warden and the Hostel Committee. 

Facilities Available In The Hostels:

  1. Therooms of the hostel are airy and spacious.
  2. Lodgingis provided to the inmates of the hostel at a very nominal cost.
  3. Thehostel houses a separate kitchen and a dining room
  4. Toiletsare cleaned and maintained regularly to practice safe hygiene.
  5. Thehostel is under CCTV surveillance for twenty four hours. Additionally nightguards are recruited to ensure safety of the boarders of the hostel

Thehostel timings for the boarders are strictly maintained through entries in theHostel Log book. The Principal along with teachers and non-teaching staff make surprise visits to the hostel.

Hostel Image

Maitree Girls' Hostel

Address: Raniganj Girls College
Capecity : 65 Girls

Design & Developed by Aadija Technologies