Students' Council (RGC)
Student Union: Procedure for Formation The Students’Union of the college is technically constituted in accordance with the statutoryprovisions laid down by the affiliating university. The body is ademocratically elected body of students with representation from each class andelected by simple majority voting system and through secret ballot. The Students’Council consists of (a) thePresident, (b) the Vice President, (c) the GeneralSecretary, (d) AssistantGeneral Secretary, (e) Secretariesand assistant secretaries of different units (namely Cultural, Games and Athletics,Magazine and Literature, Vigyan Parishad, Students’ Welfare and Common Room) (f) Classrepresentatives. The Principal ofthe college is the ex-officio President of the Union. All the other officebearers of the Union are elected from the elected members of the Council. TheGeneral Secretary is the Executive Head of the Union and carries out the day today functions of the Union with the assistance of the other office bearers ofthe students’ body. Further, the different units mentioned above work as acommittee under the supervision of a teacher of the college (teacher-in-chargefor the committee) on the advice of the Principal of thecollege. Activities to be performed by the Students’ Union Students’ Unionis actively involved in different extra-curricular, co-curricular and welfareactivities of the college. In any given academic year, they help the college toorganize different types of cultural activities, sports and athletic activitiesand help in the disbursement of financial aid to the maximum number ofmeritorious and economically needy students. Funding The funding of the activities of the students’ union isdone from a subscription collected from each bona fide student of the collegeper annum. |