In Conformity To The XII Plan Guidelines Of UGC, The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Of Raniganj Girls' College Was Established On 5th March 2013 To Plan, Guide And Monitor The Quality Assurance (QA) And Quality Enhancement (QE) Activities Of The College. As Per The NAAC Guidelines, The Primary Aim Of IQAC Is
To Develop A System For Conscious, Consistent And Catalytic Action To Improve The Academic And Administrative Performance Of The Institution.
To Promote Measures For Institutional Functioning Towards Quality Enhancement Through Internalization Of Quality Culture And Institutionalization Of Best Practices.
1.Development And Application Of Quality Benchmarks And Parameters For Various Academic And Administrative Activities Of The Institution;
2. Facilitating The Creation Of A Learner-centric Environment Conducive To Quality Education And Faculty Maturation To Adopt The Required Knowledge And Technology For Participatory Teaching And Learning Process;
3. Collection And Analysis Of Feedback From Different Stakeholders On Quality-related Institutional Processes;
4. Organization Of Inter And Intra Institutional Workshops, Seminars On Quality Related Themes And Promotion Of Quality Circles;
5.Documentation Of The Various Programmes And Activities Of The College Leading To Quality Improvement;
6.Acting As A Nodal Agency Of The Institution For Coordinating Quality-related Activities, Including Adoption And Dissemination Of Best Practices;
7.Conduct Of Academic And Administrative Audit And Green Audit
8. Preparation And Submission Of The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) As Per Guidelines And Parameters Of NAAC.
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Sl | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr Chhabi De | Principal |
2 | Dr. Anita Mishra | Coordinator |
3 | Dr Amitava Basu | Senior Administrative Officer & Governing Body Representative |
4 | Dr Sanjeev Pandey | Member of management, Governing Body Representative |
5 | Ms Sandhya Dutta De | Teacher Representative |
6 | Dr Swarbhanu Mitra | Teacher Representative |
7 | Dr Pritha Goswami | Teacher Representative |
8 | Dr Santanu Niyogi | Teacher Representative |
9 | Dr Saumendra Sankar De Sarkar | Bursur, Teacher Representative |
10 | Dr Rituparna Ghosh | Teacher Representative |
11 | Mr Bimal Banerjee | Teacher Representative |
12 | Mr Abhijit Kumar Dutta | Teacher Representative |
13 | Mr. Sukumar Paitandi | Technical Assiatant |
14 | Smt. Barnali Saha (Biswas) | Accountant |
15 | Sandip Bhalotia | Industrialist,Member Raniganj Chember of Comerce |
16 | Ms Rachna Lodha | Alumni Representative |
17 | Ms. Puja Chatterjee | Secretary Students' Union or Student Representative |
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Best Practice I
Academic Session 2018-19
Titleof the Practice: Organization of Theme based DepartmentalExhibitions
Objectivesof the Practice:
TheContext:The traditional lecture and chalk and talk method of teaching in India hasoften encouraged a method of rote learning where the learners use memorization techniques based on repetition. On the otherhand, the modern approach to teaching involves the method of blendedlearning. Blended learning goes a step beyond rote learning and encouragesparticipatory or active learning among the students. An exhibition is a perfect opportunity forparticipatory learning where the learners as a team can make an organisedpresentation based on a theme.
ThePractice:Each year the students representatives of the college organize the twin eventsof Freshers' Welcome and Annual Social function under the name of Kristi. Onthis occasion, the college sets up about 16 to 18 dedicated temporary stalls orkiosks in the college premises where the students of the different departmentsof the college participate and arrange for an exhibition based on a particulartheme. In the academic session 2017-2018, this theme based departmentalexhibition was organized on 7 th and 8 th November 2017.Again in the academic session 2018-19, the theme based departmental exhibitionwas held from 16th January 2019 to 18th January 2019. Thethemes that are chosen very often complement the curriculum of a given subject.
Obstaclesfaced/Problems encountered: Paucity of funds and resources forputting up the exhibition stalls of the departments.
Evidenceof Success: The exhibition is mostly spear-headed by thestudents of the different departments, occasionally consulting theirdepartmental teachers. The organization of such departmental exhibitions hasserved as a platform and opportunity for the students to present their talentsand potentials, to learn the nuances of team work and collaborative learning,understanding real life issues and for bonding and uniting the whole college asa single family.
Theenthusiasm of the students is also reflected in the choice of themes or topicson which departmental exhibitions have been organized and the subsequentorganized presentations made by the students in two successive academic yearsthat is 2017-18 and 2018-19 is given below in a tabular form are:
Best Practice II
Title ofthe Practice: Inculcatingintegrity among the incumbents of the institution through birthday celebration
TheContext:In ourday to day affairs we often forget the role played by an individual incumbentin smooth functioning of the institution. The contribution of each individualincumbent, irrespective of his/her designation, builds that harmonious base onwhich the institution is founded. However, over time we imbibe the habit oftaking our co-workers for granted. It is only during their absence that we misstheir presence, efficiency and contribution. Quoting here the famous Americanindustrialist, Henry Ford, "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together isprogress. Working together is success".
Against this backdrop, thenecessity was felt by the Head of the institution to honour the contribution ofeach individual as well as build trust, harmony and a sense of belonging amongthe incumbents of the organization by celebrating the birthday of each incumbent.
To patronize a friendly, cordialand homely work environment, basically informal in nature ensuring warmth andcheer.
To get well-acquainted withthe co-workers of the institution and celebrate the bond and cohesion thatexists among them.
To respect the contributionmade by each individual incumbent of the organization.
To build trust, harmony andbrotherhood among the teaching and non-teaching fraternity.
To instil a sense ofbelongingness to the organization.
ThePractice:ThePrincipal maintains a list of birthdays of all the members of the teaching andnon-teaching fraternity of the college and makes it a point to celebrate thebirthday of each individual incumbent. Each month on the occasion of thebirthday of an incumbent, all members of the college gather in the principalschamber at the end of the day, where a small birthday celebration is organizedby blowing off candles and cutting the cake. The incumbent treats all themembers to token refreshments. The teaching and non-teaching staff celebratethe birthday of the head of the institution in a similar manner.
Obstaclesfaced/Problems encountered: No problems were encountered
Evidenceof Success:Theevidence of success is reflected in the spirited involvement of all the membersof the institution in everyday affairs, during important occasions like thevisit of an important guest or an important event of the college and alsoduring the hours of need of the institution.
Resources Required:Onlyspirited humane initiative
Academic Session 2019-20
Title of the Practice:Conduct of Internal Assessments in the online mode
Objectives of the Practice:
To acquaint the students with the digital world.
To get the students a hands-on experience of online examinations
To acquaint the students with the modalities of online examinations; the prevalent mode of conducting various competitive examinations leading to entry in service.
This will also pave the way for faster evaluation and systematic storage as well as retrieval of examination data.
This is also in line with the policy of our affiliating university to switch on to a completely paperless system
To make the students environment consciousness by not wasting paper made from pulp of woods.
The Context:In the modern world many important recruitment examinations are conducted online. But it has been our general observation that the majority of our students are not acquainted with the process and modalities of online examinations. Hence some of them were found to be less confident and having reservations in appearing in competitive examinations that are conducted online. Therefore it was decided that the learners should be exposed to the online examination system so that they can have a first-hand experience of the process.
ThePractice: The Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) comprising six semesters was initiated by Kazi Nazrul University in 2016-17. In this pattern of study, under each programme, the learners are assessed internally for 10 marks for each course in each semester. In the academic session 2018-19, the institution for the first time decided to conduct the internal assessment of the sixth semester students in certain courses in the online mode on an experimental basis. In the online mode of Internal Assessment, on the day of examination, the students were required to answer a set of 10 Multiple Choice Questions in each course and submit the same within a stipulated time frame. It was found that the additional advantage of conducting examination in this manner was that the results of the examinees were immediately generated online and later could beaccessed by the college authorities for future reference and uploading to theUniversity portal. Our institution being inspired by the level of success inthe maiden attempt, henceforth decided to carry out online internal assessmentsfor the fifth and sixth semester students in Honours courses (except Santali subject) in each academic session. Therefore, online internal assessments wereconducted for the fifth and sixth semester students in Honours courses (exceptSantali subject) in the academic session 2019-20.
Obstaclesfaced/Problems encountered:Initially there were some minor technical glitcheswhich were soon overcome by speedy redressal. The digital divide made some ofthe students a bit shaky in the beginning, but in course of time they tooacquired adequate confidence.
Evidenceof Success: Afterintroducing this practice online internal assessment it became very popularamong the students. The teachers also found the system to be a better one sofar as managing the answer scripts and award lists are concerned. Further conductingthe Internal Assessment in the online mode has emerged as a standard practice.
Best Practice II
Academic Session 2019-20
Titleof the Practice:
Objectivesof the Practice:
Make the students aware of the starksocial reality.
To instill a strong sense of socialresponsibility among the students.
Motivate the students to contribute tothe society meaningfully through philanthropic activities.
To forge team spirit among the learners
To inculcate leadership qualities.
Inspire other co-learners and set aprecedence for them
TheContext:On a regular visit to the Anganwadi Centres (C-45 & C-46) of the twoadopted villages of the National Service Scheme (NSS) Units, namely Banskatparaand Joratolpara in 2011, some NSS volunteers were shocked by the plight of the underprivilegedchildren there.It seemed obvious that the poor children did not have properaccess to books and other accessories needed for proper education. These volunteershailing from the Department of History of the college felt it to be their moralobligation to do something worthwhile for those disadvantaged children in theirhumble capacity. They approached their departmental teachers for guidance.After much deliberation, the students along with their teachers decided tocelebrate Childrens Day for the children of the adopted villages of the NSSunits of the college and on this occasion present each children with aneducation kit.
ThePractice:Starting in 2011, the Childrens Day celebrated by the Department of Historyfor almost ten years has always been an exclusive initiative of the students ofthe department. Each academic year, the students of the Department of History planand organize the event on 14thNovember in consultation with thePrincipal, the departmental teachers and the NSS Programme Officers.In case 14thNovember coincides with a holiday, the students make it a point to celebratethe event on some other date in the month of November. For this occasion, the learners in theirmodest capacity contribute financially to purchase and later present educationkits to the children of the adopted villages of the NSS units.Sometimesteachers of the department too additionally help in the contribution.Thestudents first elicit information on the total number of children from theAnganwadi Centres of Banskatpara and Joratolpara and then proceed to purchasethe educational kits accordingly.The composition of the educational kit to bepresented to each child varies depending upon the aggregate fund collected. Sofar, it consisted of bags, books or writing accessories or a combination ofthese. The Childrens Day for the academic session 2019-20 was celebrated withchildren of the Banskatpara and Joratolpara on 14th November 2019.
Obstaclesfaced/Problems encountered:Paucity of funds deter students to include moreitems in the educational kit.
Evidenceof Success: Theteam spirit of the students of the department is an inspiration. It has ensuredthat the seniors of the department pass on the baton to the juniors to celebratethis event of Childrens day each year with regularity for the underprivilegedchildren of the two adopted villages of the National Service Scheme (NSS)Units, namely Banskatpara and Joratolpara in the conventional fashion.Theevidence of success is also reflected in the number of children (Table1) whohave benefited from this event.
Best Practices 2020-21
BestPractice I
Titleof the Practice:
Publication of e-wall magazines ande-newsletters - a Participatory Method of Learning
1. To make the learners activeparticipants in the process of learning
2. To make learning enjoyable
3. Help to sustain the newly acquiredknowledge for a longer span of time
4. To encourage them to objectivelyanalyse the subject matter of teaching
5. To encourage critical thinking
6. Acquire new skills in the process oflearning
Theorientation of the teaching-learning process in the contemporary world is moretowards imbibing student centric methods of learning. One such student centricmethod is participatory learning. This method of learning creates an ambiencewhere the learners do not merely remain silent beneficiaries of theoretical knowledgeacquisition, but actively participate in the process of learning, analyseobjectivelyand think and express critically. Apart from the traditional lecturemethod, Raniganj Girlsâ College in seeking innovation in the learning processhas adopted different forms of participatory method of learning which includeseducational tours, field visits, excursions, studentsâ projects, groupdiscussions, student seminars, departmental exhibitions, publication ofdepartmental wall magazine and so on.
It has beenan old tradition of the different departments of the college to annually publishdepartmental wall magazine on current burning issues or topics based on thesyllabi of the concerned disciplines. For such publications, most of thedepartments enjoy a dedicated space earmarked for this purpose. It isinteresting to note that as the affiliation for the number of subjects taughtin the college increased over the years, the number of publications also grew.
The processof planning to execution that goes behind the creation of a wall magazine isthe joint endeavour of the students of the different semesters under theguidance of their teachers. It is a hands-on experience with close involvementof the learner shaving intense discussion with their teachers, consultingmultiple sources of references and peer consultation. The student is aparticipant as well as a contributor to the process of knowledge creation. Thisnot only enriches the learner but also helps to acquirea better understandingand grip on the topic. Moreover, the learner is able to sustain what she haslearnt for a longer time span as compared to rote learning.
The suddenonset of the pandemic situation in India in 2020, subsequent lockdown and theclosure of educational institutions threatened the physical publication of thewall magazines by the departments.
Evidenceof Success
The lockdown could have been a deterrent to this above annualendeavour if not for the positivity that surrounds the institution. As such,the teaching âlearning process of the institution was already being carried onvirtually. Taking advantage of the opportunities provided by the digitalplatform, different departments of the college took the initiative to publishtheir e-wall magazine or e-newsletters.
The Geography department published their digital wall magazine onâCartographic Revolutionâ. Physics published âBarnaliâ which included the Ramanissue and the Alumni Special issue. The digital magazine of Botany discussesâFacts about COVID-19 (SARS_COV_2)â.The Economics department published âSpotLightâ which focussed on âMigration and Reverse Migration of Labourers inIndiaâ and The Alumnae Digest 2021.Microbiology published âAnimalculesâ whichdiscusses the âRole of Microbiology in understanding the science behind theglobal pandemicâ.The Zoology department published the âFaunaâ and Psychologypublished the âSchemaâ.
The English department published three issues of the e-newsletterâEpsilonâ. The History department published digitally the 18thEdition of âCleoâ which deals with the tribal uprising in India in the 19thcentury. Hindi brought out four issues of their digital wall magazine onâMangleshDabaralâ, âPhanishwarNathRenuâ, âRaghuvir Sahayâ and âBhartenduHarishâ. The Political Science department published their e-wall magazine on âTowardsEnvironment- More Green Worldâ and theUrdu department published âParwaazâ whichtalks about Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.
The Commerce department published the âCommercium Pragatiâ, theClassical Vocal Music department published âAkshiptikaâ which discusses aboutâTaat and VitaatBadyaâ and Physical Education published âEvent at Crown &Wreathâ which is focussed on Olympics and COVID-19. Inspired by the rest,Education, Sociology and Santali digitized their respective wall magazines-âPragyadeepâ, âUnmeshâ and âSagen Sakamâ.
The students, staying at home, worked hard to arrange materials,compose articles and prepare charts or drawings to contribute towards thedepartmental magazine and sent the same via emailor on the Whats App to theirteachers. The teachers digitally compiled and edited the contributions and gavefinal shape to the e-publications. All these e-wall magazines and e-newsletters were later posted on the Events page of the departments on the collegewebsite. This new aspect of participatory learning helped the students to get aclear understanding about the topic on which the participant worked upon andcritically ponder upon the issue.It also helped her to acquire new skills and becomeefficient in the use of ICT tools.
ProblemsEncountered and Resources Required
The first problem was to conceptualize the idea of publishing thewall magazines digitally. The second hurdle was to explain the procedure insimple terms such that the work at hand seems easy to the student. The nextdifficulty was to gauge the file size which could be transmitted smoothly onsocial networking platforms. Thedepartments overcame the hurdles through discussions and by consulting theinternet resources.
The resources needed for the publication of digital wall magazinesand newsletters included active internet connectivity onICT enabled devices, openingemail accounts, becoming active on social networking sites, creativity of thestudents, guidance of the teachers and finally assistance from the collegeoffice for posting the publicationsin the electronic format on the collegewebsite.
Best Practice II
Titleof the Practice:
Environmental Initiatives of theInstitution
1. To instill environmentalconsciousness and an attitude of eco-sensitivity among all the stakeholders ofthe college
2. To engage in sustainable practices
3. To be a participant in the process ofecosystem restoration
4. To reduce environmental degradation
5. Motivate not only the primarystakeholders but also the immediate neighbourhood with green practices.
Raniganj Girlsâ College is located inthe heart of famous Raniganj Coalfields of Eastern India. Over the years, therehave been several environmental studies and research on this area citing thenegative impacts of modern civilization on its immediate environment. In thecontemporary world of emerging environmental consciousness, it is but naturalto implement environmental initiatives by an institute of higher learning likeours to reduce the incidence of environmental degradation. Green Living and eco-friendly practices areimperatives on us for the survival of our planet and the human species. Thus itis desirable that the stakeholders of the college imbibe an environmentconscious and eco-friendly attitude in their thought and living. Therefore itwas decided by the college authority to inculcate eco-sensitivity among thestudents and staff through some best practices so that they can not onlypractice them individually but also motivate the public in general beyond thecampus to adopt green practices.
As a part of environmental initiatives,several eco-friendly practices towards greening the campus and sustainableenvironmental practices are in vogue. Here are some representative initiatives:
1. Yearly plantation of broad leaved andfruit yielding saplings
2. Maintenance of the herbal garden withmedicinal plants
3. Cultivation of seasonal vegetables inthe college backyard
4. Waste recycling
5. Banning of single use plastic oncampus
6. Controlling soil contamination by theeffluents of the Chemistry laboratory
7. Rain water harvesting
8. Energy conservation through use ofalternative energy sources
9. Awareness programme on Environment
Evidenceof Success:
The positive impacts of theseenvironmental practices are visible on the campus. The college is home to 718timber yielding trees which include fruit bearing and timber yielding plants.The green campus has turned into hosts of entire eco-systems with a variety offauna finding their natural habitats on our campus. There is regularmaintenance of the herbal garden with medicinal plants. Seasonal vegetables arecultivated in the college backyard. The college carried out their yearlyplantation programme with the police personnel who camped in the premisesduring the West Bengal Assembly elections and also with the Green Club ofRaniganj. Regular maintenance and cleaning activities help to keep the premisesneat and clean.
InFebruary 2021, Raniganj Girlsâ College entered into collaboration with theDepartment of Ecological Studies, International Centre for EcologicalEngineering of the University of Kalyani for setting up a training centre invermicomposting. Biodegradable wastes are now mostly converted into compost bythe vermicomposting unit installed in the college campus. Waste papers are soldto vendors for recycling. Single use plastics are banned within the collegecampus. Hence the verdant lawns bear no trace of plastic, especially of thesingle use variety.
TheCollege implements hazardous waste management with burial pits for waste watereffluents from the Chemistry laboratory. Rejected computers and computerperipherals are handed over to the concerned organization for recyclingpurposes. The college also promotes the practice of pisciculture and nurturesindoor plants and a plant nursery within the college campus. The students ofNSS often visit the plant nursery to take care of the saplings as a part oftheir regular NSS activities.
Theinstitution has rain water harvesting system for harnessing rain water duringthe rainy season and using the same to water plants during the dry season. Thecollege practices energy conservation through the use of LED bulbs. Solarstreet lights have been installed in the campus to keep the campus well-litduring the night.
Severalenvironment awareness programmes through webinars were organized on the virtualplatform during the lockdown. These include celebration of Earth Day, WorldEnvironment Day, and International Day for Biodiversity. Poster competition onEarth Day was also organized by the Department of Geography. Environmentalconsciousness is also instilled through courses on environment offered in thecurriculum of different subjects. Publication of wall magazine on environmentalissues and Projects in Environmental Studies also inculcate eco-sensitivityamong the students.
ProblemsEncountered and Resources Required:
Inspite of perceptible success, therestill remain some problem areas. Sometimes it becomes difficult to protect theflower garden and the vegetables from the atrocities of the monkeys and otherbirds and animals. However as love for nature comes naturally, it is found thatdifferent stakeholders actively participate in nurturing and sustaining theenvironmental initiatives of the college.
Title of the Practice: Practicing thePrinciple of 3R
Objectives of the Practice: Training thestudents through practical activities and programmes to adopt environmentfriendly behavior and sustainable practices at the micro-level.
The Context: We cannot help generatingwaste in course of maintaining our livelihood. However, we can create a significantimpact on responsible waste management by following the 3R principle: Reduce,Reuse and Recycle. The waste that is generated in India can be minimized byconsuming our resources judiciously, reusing our resources and adopting methodsto recycle them. A major part of the solid waste generated and dumped aslandfills in India consist of discarded paper and plastics. Plastic today hasbecome a menace for the society. Single use plastics have been banned in India.Thus finding innovative ways of recycling existing plastics has become crucialand raising awareness about the environmental issues is extremely important.After all responsible and informed waste segregation at source goes a long wayin effective environment friendly waste management.
The Practice:
The plastic paint containers that wereleft behind after the painting of the college building turned out to bedisturbing non-biodegradable waste that had accumulated in the collegepremises. The NSS units of the college involved the volunteers to reclaim theseplastic containers, decorated and be recycled as wasteâbins or dust-bins. Thisalso gave the students the opportunity to learn about the principle of 3R.
Obstacles faced/Problems encountered: Noobstacle was encountered while carrying out the environmental projects.
Resources required: Discarded paintbuckets, colours and brushes and other waste material
Evidence of Success:
Under the guidance of few teachers, discardedpaint containers decorated by the NSS volunteers are now used as dustbins inthe classrooms. Students learnt about the importance of following the principleof 3R to reduce carbon footprints from this activity
Title of the Practice: Touching Lives - Institutional Social Responsibility
Objectives of the Practice
The Context
Social responsibility is not legally mandatory for highereducational institutions in India and the idea largely resides as a legalmandate for companies in the form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Howeverour college, beyond its role as a provider of education, has increasingly felt theneed to connect with its immediate environment and the society at large. InstitutionalSocial Responsibility is an endeavour in this direction. The objective of educationcannot just be about acquiring knowledge and sharpening oneâs latent skills in orderto establish oneself in the society. It is also about imbibing the vision ofcollective responsibility towards the society, of nurturing the society whichsustains the individual, an opportunity to express gratitude for the prospectsthe society has gifted one with â a way to give for what one gets. Thus InstitutionalSocial Responsibility (ISR) is not just an idea for Raniganj Girlsâ College; itis an attitude that touches lives.
The Practice
In the age of ruthless global competition, it is the humanetouch that creates a remarkable difference in oneâs attitude to life fosteringbrotherhood, rebuilding faith in human values and humanity. The community basedactivities thatoutline the ISR initiatives of Raniganj Girlsâ College in thisperiod are summarized below:
Evidence of Success
The evidence of success for any type of endeavour undertakengets reflected in the impact it leaves behind. The active involvement andparticipation of the teachers and the students has given the impetus to theinstitution to increase the number of activities involving social responsibility.Coupled with this the involvement of the alumni in such activities has furtherbuilt hope for the future. The episodes of lockdown during the pandemicsituation could not deter the enthusiasts to think about their fellow humansand touch their lives whereby the faith in humanity is enhanced.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required
The biggest challenge at the outset perhaps had been tomotivate the stakeholders to participate in altruistic activities because formany philanthropy seems to be an unnecessary appendage in life. However, overthe years this attitude has undergone a metamorphosis. Today the zealousparticipation of the different stakeholders of the college like the teachers,the non-teaching staff, the students and the alumni, forms the most importantresource for organizing different humanitarian activities.
Best Practices (2022-2023)
Title of thePractice: Literacy in Mother Tongue
The Context
Ourcollege, beyond its role as a provider of education, has increasingly felt theneed to connect with its immediate environment and the society at large. Languageis a crucial aspect of a personâs identity. Hence, under its initiatives in institutionalsocial responsibility, the college decided to propagate the OlChiki script beyond its campus.
The Practice
A 48 hour CertificateCourse in Basic Santali washas been designed and offered by Raniganj GirlsâCollege to the Santalinhabitants of a nearby tribal village named Michildanga near Raniganj since 2021.The course was designed targeted at spreading literacy in the Ol-Chiki script amongthe Santals and making education more inclusive.
Evidence ofSuccess
At the end ofthe course, examinations were conducted in the college and certificatesdistributed to the qualifying students. So far, two batches of Santal studentshave completed the course. They learnt to read and write in the Ol-Chikiscript.
Problemsencountered and Resource Required
No problemswere encountered. The resources provided included sataranchi(carpet) forsitting, books, chalk and duster.
Best Practices II
Title of thePractice: âAloâ (Freedom from Blindness)
To createpublic consciousness about burning health issues
To eradicatethe causes of blindness in India
The collegeannually organizes different health awareness programme and free healthcheck-up camps for different stakeholders as well as the residents of the NSSadopted villages to raise awareness about important health issues. Recently, wecame across a WHO/National Programme for Control of Blindness survey which estimatedthat the annual incidence of blindness due to cataract is about 3.8 million inIndia. According to the same survey, the total backlog of blind eyes in Indiais over 22 million with 80.1% of these blindness is due to cataract. Ironicallythe inability to bear the cost of expenditure for medical treatment is one ofthe major causes of this suffering.
Following the informationobtained from the survey, it was decided that two free Eye and Health Check-Upcamps will be organized on 3rd and 23rd March 2023 respectively in associationwith the help of Lions Club of Asansol, Udayan.
In this freeeye and health check-up camps, patients with cataract problems were identifiedand counselled for cataract operation free of cost. The cataract operation ofone of the patients, BarinMondal, a local resident of Raniganj was performedsuccessfully at Lions M J M Eye Hospital, Raniganj on 13.04.2023. Later, thecataract operation of two more people namely DasiRuidas and Kalpana Bhandari wereper formed in 2024 under the same initiative.
No problemswere encountered. The college provided the rooms for setting up the free eyeand health check-up camps. The NSS volunteers helped in door to doorcampaigning about the camp and re-directing the people to the camp venue. The expensesof the medical procedures were borne by Lions Club of Asansol, Udayan.
Best Practices 2023-24
Best Practice 1
Title:Thalassemia Awareness Programme and Thalassemia testing.
Objectives:The objective of this programme was to create general awareness among thestudents about thalassemia blood disorder.
TheContext: A Thalassemia AwarenessProgramme in a college setting has several contextual features thatmake it impactful and relevant. Awareness helps the students to understand thegenetic risks associated with thalassemia. Educating students enables them tobecome ambassadors of health awareness, spreading information to their peers,families, and communities. Awareness also helps dispel myths and misinformationabout thalassemia and its carriers, reducing associated social stigma. Suchprogrammes Highlights the college's commitment to societal issues, enhancingits reputation as a progressive and health-conscious institution.
ThePractice:In the year 2023 an Awareness Programmeon Thalassemia was organized on 31 March 2023 in association with Lions Club ofAsansol, Udayan. Then on 4 January 2024, the celebration of Studentsâ Week wasmarked by the organization a Thalassemia Awareness Programme. A Symposium onâThalassemiaâ organized by IQAC & NSS Units I & II, Raniganj GirlsâCollege in association with Lions Club of Asansol, Udayan. The resource personsLion TapanMahatha, Dr ChaitaliBasu and Dr BhaskarHazra spoke extensively onâThalassemiaâ to create general awareness about the blood disorder among thestudents. They spoke about the incidence and causes of the disorder, the typesof Thalassemia, pathophysiology and clinical features, diagnosis and managementof the disorder. A total of hundred and thirteen (113) students attended theawareness programme on 04.01.2024. The second day of the programme involvedâThalassemia Testingâ. A total of Seventy Two (72) participants took theThalassemia test.
Evidenceof Success: The thalassemia test reportsrevealed one student (1) to be a positive carrier. She and her family were madeaware of the matter and counselled by eminent doctors of the West BengalMedical and Health Services.
ProblemsEncountered and Resources Required:Oneof the challenges encountered is low participation of the students in takingthe test due to lack of interest or understanding of the importance of theissue.
Resources required are experts frommedical sector to provide insights about the testing procedure. Partnering withLions Club of Asansol, Udayan to share expertise, resources, and credibilityabout the programme.
BestPractice 2
Title: Empowering Indian democracythrough the Electoral Literacy.
Objectives: Promoting Awareness aboutthe importance of participation in democratic systems. Enable students toanalyze political issues, party manifestos, and candidates objectively. Teachstudents to identify and counter misinformation related to elections andgovernance. Encourage respect for democracy, inclusivity, and the importance ofcivic engagement. Inspire students to take leadership roles in theircommunities and consider active participation in governance.
The Context: Organizing an electoralliteracy programme in college is vital for empowering young voters,many of whom are experiencing their first opportunity to participate in thedemocratic process. College students represent a significant portion of theelectorate and can influence societal change. Instilling a sense of duty towardcontributing to a vibrant and inclusive democracy has always been an aim ofRaniganj Girlsâ College. Thus the Electoral Literacy Club of the College hasalways played a key role in enhancing critical thinking and decision-making abilitiesrelated to political choices among the students.
The Practice:A survey conducted amongcollege students through Google Forms revealed that 33.97% of studentswere yet to be enrolled as voters in the electoral roll. To addressthis, the Electoral Literacy Club (ELC) of the college collaborated with thedistrict administration to facilitate voter registration for eligible students.
Voter Registration Drives:
On 22nd November 2022, followingsustained campaigning on electoral rights and the theme âNo Voter to be LeftBehind,â 52 eligible studentssuccessfully registered their names in the electoral roll.
A secondenrolment drive was conducted on 1stDecember 2023, during which an additional 29 students registered.
Participation in ElectoralAwareness Events:
On 14th December 2023, 15 students participated in a culturalcompetition organized by the Office of the BDO, Raniganj, as part ofNational Voterâs Day celebrations. Several participants won prizes for theircontributions.
The ELCorganized a Sit and Draw Competitionon 30th January 2024 tocommemorate National Voterâs Day, promoting creative engagement with electoralthemes.
SVEEP Campaign:
On 28th February 2024, the District Election Office, Paschim Bardhaman, organized a Systematic Votersâ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP)campaign at the college. During the session, students were educated on:
The meaning and importance of SVEEP as the Election Commission of India's flagship program for voter education and literacy.
The goals of SVEEP, including enlightening,enabling, and empowering every citizen to register as voters and participate in elections ethically and responsibly.
The vision of SVEEP, which emphasizes universal and informed participation in elections to strengthen democracy.
Evidence of Success: Through these initiatives, the college succeeded in significantly increasing voter enrolment and raising awareness about electoral rights and responsibilities. The active participation of students in these activities highlights their growing commitment to democratic engagement. The Electoral Literacy Club continues to work towards fostering a culture of informed and active citizenship.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required: The biggest challenge was difficulty in encouraging students to engage actively in the programme due to academic schedules and lack of initial interest. Although over the years student participation has significantly increased.
The resourcesrequired are supportfrom the district administration and Election Commission officials for voterregistration and awareness drives. Equipment s required like computers,projectors, and internet access for registration and awareness campaigns. Aboveall, trained faculty coordinators, student volunteers, and external experts arethe key resources required for conducting the entire process smoothly.