
The Girls’ Hostel of Raniganj Girls' College named "Maitree" was inaugurated on 28th February 2014 and becamefunctional in the academic year 2017-18. The hostel has a capa.
Computer Lab/Language Lab
The college boasts of a well-equipped Computer laboratory with desktop computers and internetconnectivity. The laboratory is used by different practical based departmen.
Internet Facilities
In The Whole Campus Free Broadband Wi-Fi Internet Facilities Are Available For The Usage Of Teachers And Students. There Is A Central UGC-NRC Lab, For Students Containing 17computers With High-speed Broadband Internet Facility. Computer Laboratory Dedicated To The Students Of Mathematics Department Containing 37 Computers With Internet Connectivity. Computer Laboratory Dedicated To The Students Of Physics Department .
The laboratory based departments of thecollege have well equipped laboratory facilities. These facilities are availedby the students to perform experiments in their practical classes under theguidance of their subject teachers. Simultaneously some of the teachers also availthe la.
The Canteen of the college is a spacious area located on the ground floor with an attached kitchen and seating arrangements made for students as well as the staff of the college. The canteen is open during the college hours and provides snacks, r.