Sports Games
The students ofthe college avail the indoor and outdoor sports and games facilities of thecollege. Thecollege provides the facility of indoor games like Table Tennis, and Carom.Foroutdoor games, there is provision for two playgroundsalong with a badminton court within the college campus. The sports instructor Mr. PrafullaDutta is trained in football, athletics and volley ball from Netaji SubhasNational Institute of Sports, Eastern Centre, Kolkata of Sports Authority ofIndia (SAI). Every week, he coaches andimparts training in both indoor and outdoor games to the students interested insports and games activities.
Each year thecollege organizes the Annual Athletic Meet in the college grounds. The membersof the local Searsole Sports and Cultural Club help as volunteers in smoothconduct of the Annual Athletic Meet of the college on the Sports day. The mainsports events consist of 100m race, 200 m race, 400 m Relay race, slow cyclerace, Balance race, Discuss throw, Javelin throw, shot-put throw, Long jump andso on. The college also organizes competition in indoor games and badminton.Theteachers, the administrative staff and the students interact with each other onthe Sports day and participate in various sports events.Later certificates andprizes are distributed to the winners of these events.
The collegeencourages the interested students to participate in inter-college sportscompetition and exclusively trains the deserving students for such competition.
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