Teacher Council

Teachers’ Council ofRaniganj Girls’ College is a Statutory Body of all full time teachersconstituted as per statutory provisions of Kazi Nazrul University.

Compositionof the Council

President:Principal of the College

Secretary: Oneteacher elected/selected by the Members.

Assistant Secretary: One teacher elected/selected by the Members.


  1. Principal of the college
  2. All the full time facultymembers of the college including Librarians.


  1. Assist the Principal of thecollege in governance and smooth functioning of the college and uphold the welfare of the institution
  2. Assist and advice thecollege authorities in planning, organizing and executing different academicduties as well as activities related to academics.
  3. Maintain and promote a closeand healthy relationship between the different stakeholders.


The members of the Teachers’ Council are alsomembers of different academic and administrative committees. They strive tofulfill the above objectives by functioning and discharging their duties intheir official capacity through these committees and subcommittees.TheTeachers’ Council also provides financial support to meritorious andfinancially weak and needy students.

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