
Memorandum of Understanding and Collaboration


  1. MOU signed in 2016 between NSHM Udaan Skills Pvt. Ltd. and Raniganj Girls’ College with the view to conduct skill training programs under the ambit of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) approved programme.
  2. MOU signed in 2019between Smart Allience Joint Services Pvt. Ltd. And Raniganj Girls’College for conducting skill training programs under the ambit of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) approved programme.
  3. MOU with Dr S Maji for free health check-up and medical advice to the stakeholders of the college in 2020
  4. MOU between P. C. Solution and Raniganj Girls’ College regarding environment friendly disposal of e-waste generated by our college in2020
  5. MOU signed in 2021between NSHM Udaan Skills Pvt. Ltd., and Raniganj Girls’ College with the view to conduct skill training programs under the ambit of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) approved programme.
  6. MOU with Next Generation Scientist Private Limited, Lucknow made in 2021for setting up the Bioscience Excellence Centre in the college and providing Entrepreneurial Skill Development and Outcome Based Learning 


  1. Collaboration exists with Searsole Sports and CulturalAssociation of Raniganj since 2016 for using the gymnasium for theundergraduate course in Physical Education
  2. Collaboration exists with International Centre forEcological Engineering, Department of Ecological Studies, University of Kalyanifor setting up a training centre in vermicomposting in 2021.

Collaborative research

  1. Dr. Alokkumar De, Associate Professor of Physics Raniganj Girls' College collaborating with Dr Deepak Pandit, Scientific Officer, VECC, DAE, Govt of India since 2006 in the BAF2 group engaged in research activities primarily in the field of Giant Dipole Resonance Studies in hot and rotating nuclei.
  2. Dr. Alokkumar De, Associate Professor of Physics Raniganj Girls' College collaborating with Dr Srijit Bhattacharya, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Barasat Govt. College, Barasat, Kolkata700124  since 2014 on Mobile(electromagnetic) pollution, air pollution, nano- particle and medicinal plant research.
  3. Dr. Alokkumar De, Associate Professor of Physics Raniganj Girls' College is a part of the Indian research team of VECC,DAE, Govt of India engaged in international collaborative research, the MATS collaboration, on FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) at Darmstadt, Germany

Collaboration in Seminar, Workshops, training programme

  1. Organization of an UGC sponsored Two Day National levelseminar on ‘Feminism and Urdu Literature’ by the Department of Urdu, RaniganjGirls’ College in collaboration with Department of Urdu, Calcutta University on1st and 2nd September 2016. 
  2. Organization of UGC sponsored two day National LevelSeminar titled “National Integrity and Its Crisis: The Role andResponsibilities of NSS” organized by National Service Scheme, Raniganj Girls’College, in collaboration with Maliah Heritage Society on 9th and 10th March2017.
  3. Organization of Orientation Programme for NSS programmeOfficers by National Service Scheme Units of the college in collaboration withTraining Orientation and Research Centre (TORC), Ramkrishna Mission Ashrama,Narendrapur, Kolkata from 17th September to 23rd September 2017.
  4. IQAC, Raniganj Girls’ College sponsored and organized oneday Awareness Programme on "Legal Aid” in collaboration with Department ofLaw, Kazi Nazrul University at Raniganj Girls’ College on 11.06.2018.
  5. Workshop on ‘Cyber Crime and Safety of Women” organizedin collaboration with Green Club of Raniganj and Asansol Women Police Stationon 11th October 2018.
  6. Organization of an IQAC sponsored National level seminartitled "Emerging Possibilities of Sanskrit Studies" on 21st and 22ndJanuary 2019 by the Department of Sanskrit, Raniganj Girls’ College incollaboration with Sailajananda Falguni Smriti Mahavidyalaya, Khayrasol,Birbhum.
  7. Organization of a Two Day National Seminar titled “Urdu AfsaneMein Tanisi Rujhanaat" by the Department of Urdu, Raniganj Girls’ on 28thand 29th June 2022 in collaboration with West Bengal Urdu Academy


  1. Industrial visit organized by the Department of Commerce,Raniganj Girls’ College to Super Smelters Ltd. located in Jamuria IndustrialEstate, Jamuria on 20.03.2017.
  2. Industrial Visit Programmeto SUNCARE Pharmaceuticals from 17th to 24th May 2019 of the Department ofMicrobiology, Raniganj Girls’ college facilitated by Dolphin (PG) Institute ofBio Medical and Natural Sciences, Dehradun.
  3. A two-day trainingprogramme on “Advanced Materials Characterization” in connection with theCSIR-Integrated Skill Initiative Programme held in CMERI (CSIR), Durgapur on 27th &28th   December, 2021

1 Collaboration for Legal Aid Awareness Programme
2 Collaboration for Only One Earth programme
3 Collaboration for Workshop on Cyber Crime
4 TORC Collaboration for NSS
5 Collaboration with West Bengal Urdu Academy for organizing a Two Day National Seminar titled
6 Kalyani University Collaboration
7 SSCA Collaboration
8 Collaborative Research of Dr Alok Kumar De
9 Sanskrit seminar collaboration 2018-19
10 Mou with NSHM 2016
11 Mou with P.C Solution
12 Mou with Doctor
14 MOU with NSHM 2021
15 Linkages Visit to CMERI
18 3.2.1 Key Indicator Innovation and Ecosystem
19 Collaboration_Saumendra_Sankar_De_Sarkar
20 Collaboration of SSDS with SC
21 Collaboration with Green Club
22 Collaboration with Saumen Chakraborty - Saumendra Sankar De Sarkar

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