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Botany department was established in the year 1990 and honourscourse started from 2000. The department provides graduate courses for Honoursand Program students. The course provide diversity of plants and their economicimportance along with modern aspects like Plant Biotechnology, IndustrialMicrobiology, Plant Tissue Culture, Analytical Techniques in Plant Sciences, MolecularBiology, Biochemistry and Plant Metabolism, Cell Biology & Genetics, Environmentalecology , Plant Breeding etc. Moreover, the department offers job orientedcourses like Mushroom Cultivation, Floriculture, Horticulture, Nursery &Gardening, and Bio fertilizer etc.
Our department conducts Educational Excursions regularly. Apartfrom direct teaching students & the entire faculty members are also involvedin maintaining a Medicinal Plant Garden within the college premises. Thedepartment has produced many promising students who are involved in either higherstudies or are doing well established jobs. The department has a strong students’alumni association. The department arrange several events like scientificseminars, field study, exhibition, wall magazine.
TheCollege has two laboratories for Botany practical and a Centrallaboratory with advance equipment and research facilities. Well spacious and wellventilated Botany lab provides specimens, microscopes, permanent slides, latestmethodology etc.
Thedepartment also involves the field trips to study the flora related toMedicinal and economically important and endangered plants in the surroundingas well as Hotspot regions. The field trips are really exciting experience forthe students and they learn a lot about the subject matter.
Botanypractical covers section cutting, taxonomic studies, physiological, cytological& ecological experiment, study of community, biochemical analysis, microbialcultures and various experiments etc. There is a well maintained unit with collections of herbarium, permanentslides, paleobotanical specimen, conventional setup for physiologicalexperiment and preserved specimen.