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The Department of Chemistry was established in 1990with the vision of achieving excellence in teaching in Raniganj Girls’ College.The spirit is best captured in the words of the famous Nobel Laureate,Marie Curie, who said, “I am among those who think that science has greatbeauty. A scientist in his laboratory is not only a technician; he is also achild placed before natural phenomenon, which impress him like a fairy tale.”
The departmentin the beginning offered a General degree course.It started offering B.Sc.Honours in Chemistry from the academic session 2008-2009. It is the endeavor ofthe department to provide an atmosphere conducive to participatory method ofteaching and learning and encourage the students to participate inco-curricular, extension and outreach activities of the college.
One of the goals ofthe department has been to foster a strong, vibrant, warm and valuedrelationship amongest the current students and the alumni, offering their bestfor over-all enrichment of the learners and maintaining the academic ambianceof the department.