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‘Chitto Jetha BhoySunnaya,/ Uchcha Jetha Shir’
( Where the headis held high/ Where the mind is without fear)
The departmentof Bengali is one of the oldest departments of Raniganj Girls’ College.
Bengali was introduced in 1980, as an important subject ofstudy for General course. The department boasts of acquiring honoursaffiliation since 1995. The faculty members of the Departmenthave immense enthusiasm in conducting various educational activities e.g U. G.C Sponsored Seminars (One National Level Seminar in 2011- “Simar Majhe AsimTumi: Rabindranath) and two State Level Seminars in 2015,2017(BangalaUponayasyer Digbaloy & History of Bengali Literature ) as well as variouscultural events under the supervision of the department, such as RabindraJanmajayonti, Bhasa Dibos (Mother Language Day), Sharadia Festival, TeachersDay etc. Recently our departmental students have submitted a project; entitle-Banagali O Banagalir Sanskriti” and the project has also published. Teachershave a lovely relationship with the students of the Bengali Department. It is expected that the Bengali Departmentwill make more improvements in the coming days.