Personal Profile

Designation State Aided College Teacher
Date of Birth XX/XX/1984
Educational Qualification M.A , SET
Permanent Address

Railpar Sitla Danga po+psAsansol-713302 DistPaschim.Burdwan (W.B)

Date of Joining 15-12-2010  
Area of teaching

Urdu Fiction

Research Journal Publication (National and International) :
Research Journal Publication (National and International)

AzadiKeBaadShayeraatKeYahanTanisiat’’(P-123),Name of Journal is ‘’Urdu AdabAurTanisiyat’’ (National) Institute/Publisher  is Raniganj Girls College InThe Year Of 2016.

2.‘’AbidZameerKaMoqamBahaisiatAfsanaNigar’’(P-199), Name of Journal is ‘‘Tamseel–e-Nau ‘’ (National) Institute/ Publisher is Galaxy Computers Darbhanga In The Year o f  July-2016 To June-2017.Having ISSN NO is2249-636X.

3.’’MasoomHesiatKaAfsanaNigar-MehmoodYaseen”(P-05),Aabshar (National),Daily News  PaperKolkata in the Year of 19th March 2017.

4.‘’Coal field KaAfsanaNigar’’(P-05), Akhbar-e-Mashrique (National) Daily News  Paper Kolkata in the Year of 7thMay 2017.

5.‘’GadagarSarayeKaQissaGo:AnisRafi’’(P-48), ), Name of Journal is ‘Rooh-e-Adab’’ (National) Institute/Publisher  is West Bengal Urdu AcademyKolkata In The Year Of 2016.

6. ‘’AbidZameerKeJadeedAfsane’’(P-38), Name of Journal is ‘Fikr-o-Tahreer’’(National) Institute/ Publisher  isVictoria Printers Kolkata In The Year  ofApril To June- 2017.Having ISSN NO is 2394-0557.

Nameof Journal is ‘‘AsnaamShikan’’(National) Institute/ Publisher  is BalajiVaishaliPrinters(Vishakhapatnam) In The Year of April To Sep- 2017.Having ISSN NO is 2349-9990.

‘’(P-31),Name of Journal is‘’SADA-E –URDU’’ (National), Institute/ Publisher  is Asansol Urdu Academy in the year of Julyto Sep-2017.

9. ‘’ZianKadeyKaNauha Gar : AsharHashmi’’(P-12), Nameof Journal is UMEED-E- SAHER (National), Institute/ Publisher  is Anam Publication Ranchi,inJuly To Sep- 2017,Having ISSN NO is 2349-462X.

RashtryaSahara (National) Daily News  PaperKolkata in the Year of 14thJanuary,2018.

11. ‘’QuamiYakjahtiAur Urdu Shayeri’’(P-41), Nameof Journal is ‘’SADA-E –URDU’’ (National), Institute/ Publisher  is Asansol Urdu Academy in the year of  Oct-2017 to Oct-2018.

12. ‘’Nazir Ahmed YusufiAur Do SauQadamKaDarr’’(P-116),Name of Journal is ‘RANG’’ (National), Institute/ Publisher  is Print Hut Sijjua (Dhanbad)in the year of  Oct-2017 to Oct-2018.

13. ‘’AzadiKeBaad Hindustan Me Urdu Nazm:EkJaizah’’ Name of Journal is “”Seven Decades Of Indian independence”  (National), Institute/ RaniganjGirls’College,Raniganj,in the year of 2019,HavingISBN NO is 978-93-888-68-27-3.

Name of Journal isINSHA (National), Institute/ Publisher is Insha PublicationKolkata,inMay-June- 2018,Having ISSN NO is 0971-6009.

Books and Monographs :
Books and Monographs

2-Name Of  The Book Is ‘’ BENGAL KI JADEED GHAZAL MEIN TASSAUWWUF’’  having ISBN NO is 978-93-90533-29-9


1.    2.     

3.    Title of  the paper  is ‘‘Bengal men Ma baad jaded kanumaindaafsananigarIzharulIslam,Name of the Books is ‘’ Izharul Islam Hayat-o- fan’’(P-122),the Institute/  Publisher is  in the Year Of 2020.HavingISBN NO is 978459450651

Title of  the paper  is ‘‘Nazir Ahmad YusufiaurDo saoqadamka Dar Name of the Books is ‘’ Nazir Ahmad YusufiShakhsiyataur fan’’(P-135),theInstitute/  Publisher  is Publishid in the Year Of  2021.Having ISBN NO is 9789354574740

Popular Article :
Popular Article
Paper Presentation/ Participation: Conferences/Seminars /Symposia /Workshops
Paper/Seminars/Conferences/workshop Sponsoring Agency Institutions Date
Presented my Paper’’ Bengal Ki KhateenAfsanaNigaronKaTaruf’’, Topic of the Seminar is ‘’ RaniganjGirls’College RaniganjGirls’College 2nd Dec,2015
Presented my Paper ’’AzadiKeBaadShaeratKeYahanTanisiat’’,Topic of the Seminar is TanisiatAur RaniganjGirls’College RaniganjGirls’College 1st& 2nd Sep ,2016
Presented my Paper ‘’AbidZameerKaMoqamBahaisiatAfsanaNigar’’, Topic of the Seminar is ‘’ Treveni Devi Bhalotia College Treveni Devi Bhalotia College 22nd Nov2016
Presented my Paper ‘’QuamiYakjahtiAur Urdu Shaeri’’ Topic of the Seminar is ‘’ Urdu Ada Asansol Urdu Academy Asansol Urdu Academy 28th February,2018
Presented my Paper ‘’ IshratBetabKaAfsanwi Safar ‘’,Topic of Seminar is ‘’AzadiKeBaad Be Triveni Devi Bhalotia College Triveni Devi Bhalotia College 12th May,2018
Presented my Paper ‘’ Urdu TahqeeqKeWasail-o- MasailAurUskaHal’’,Topic of Seminar is ‘’J The Muslim Institute Kolkata The Muslim Institute Kolkata 2nd October,2018
Presented my Paper ‘’AkiswienSadi Me ZilaBurdwan Me Urdu Nazm’’, Topic of Seminar is ‘Akis Culcutta Girls’ College Collaborate With NCPUL Culcutta Girls’ College Collaborate With NCPUL 29th& 30th March,2019.
Award/Recognition/Member of Board of studies/Academic Activities :
Award From COAL FEILD MIROR (CFM) News Chanel.An the eve of ‘’ AnEvening With Writers ‘’ on 09/02/2020

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