Department of Clasical Vocal Music

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything” - Plato

India has a rich cultural heritage ofIndian Classical Music comprising different vocal styles like dhrupad, khyalsand taranas. Raniganj Girls' College inits unique endeavour took the opportunity in 2017to offeran undergraduateHonours course in Classical Vocal Music and established the Department ofClassical Vocal Music. This six semester course strivesto preserve the cultural heritage by training a generation of students who willensure the continuity of this old tradition through their proficiency. Thedepartment is keen on improving the learner’s skill in classical music andlearning ability and ensures that they have access to the infrastructure andlearning resources of the institution needed for properly training themselves.In fact, the teachers encourage the students to participate and exposethemselves to cultural programmes organized both within and outside the collegeto sharpen their skills and abilities. This practice has garnered considerablesuccess for the students and the college at large. The department also takesthe initiative to informally counsel the students about the career opportunitiesor opportunities in pursuing a Masters’ degree in this domain.


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